Antoine Griezmann, an example of successful professional reconversion!

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Professional reconversion is successful when a certain number of criteria are met. Antoine Griezmann is a perfect example of this, having gone from being astriker to a midfielder, sometimes quite far back; let’s go so far as to say he’s often a defensive midfielder!

At Jobtimise, a
career transition coach
knows it, observes it, notes it. And our job as job coaches is to ensure that our customers meet these criteria before – during – and after the leap to career change.

1- An honest and positive skills assessment

Antoine Griezmann has been struggling professionally since his move to Barcelona. All soccer fans are talking about it. But what’s most interesting is that in his interviews, it’s easy to see that he himself has taken stock and understood what qualities he (still) has and where (in 2022) they will be most useful. It’s like a good skills assessment. It’s important to be clear with yourself and to find out what your strengths are before deciding what to do next. A “solid skills assessment” means looking at the positive, at skills, while being realistic and linked to the needs of the job market. Let’s just say that here, the equivalent of the job market is the soccer field. Where else on the pitch do we need what Antoine Griezmann has to offer? Given the evolution of modern soccer, Griezmann’s technical finesse, generosity of effort and stamina: relay midfielder!

2- A patient manager in the process of professional retraining: Didier Deschamps

We’ve heard a lot about Antoine Griezmann’s lacklustre performance, about the fact that he’d had his day and was on the way down. Isn’t that what they say about senior employees? Basically, Griezmann’s change of profession (on the pitch) at the age of 31 is an “I want to change profession at 50” for us mere mortals. How lucky was Antoine Griezmann in his tactical reorientation? Didier Deschamps. He was patient. He constantly reiterated his player’s qualities in the face of criticism. He also told her some unpleasant truths, but in private. Above all, he gave him a lot of encouragement, and played a major role in his conversion to a relay midfielder. The manager we all dream of in a reconversion after a skills assessment.

3- Excellent preparation for career transition

Antoine Griezmann is shining brightly at this World Cup just before Christmas. And that’s no surprise, since all her preparation has been geared to her new job. You can tell he’s built up a physique especially for his new role. Her changeover was not improvised. It was a smooth landing into the new job. It’s an example of intelligent professional reorientation.


From now on, in addition to the examples of our customers who have had great success in their career transition, the Jobtimise skills assessment and career transition coach will be able to quote…Antoine Griezmann and his brilliant boss: Didier Deschamps!


Interview with Didier Deschamps 2 years ago, when Griezmann wasn’t doing at all well


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